Software Engineer
Davis, ca, USA
Technical Skills
C++, OOP, Swfit, MySql/sql, Git, Software Design, Algorythms, Linux, Web Development(JS, HTML, CSS, PHP)
Being Awesome...
Sonoma State University , Rohnert Park 1801 East Cotati Ave 94928
May 2018
B.S in Computer Science
Courses completed
- Data Structures
- Software Design
- Programing Languages
- Senior Design Project(Swift)
- Algorithm Analysis
- Computer Arichtecture
- Computer Security
- Operating Systems
Web Developer
Jan 2017 - Current
- This portfolio wesite (2018 - present)
- Helped friend launch her musical website (2018 - present)
Compiler Construction (C++)
Mar 2015
A three part project: (Lexical Analyzer, Syntactical Analyzer, and Code Conversion)
- Parses"Scheme"source"code"for"each"lexicon,"passing"the"lexicon"to"the"Analyzer
- Parses each lexicon into tokens that are checked with a DFA/lookup table for errors.
- Uses the Lexicons and a tree of defined rules of the language to create a new .cpp/C++ file.
- Each proccess checks for errors and how many of them occure, creating a debug file to look over.
C-WolfWhisper (Swift)Senior Project
May 2018
A social app for Sonoma State University students
- Designed with Firebase database, data transfered with JSON objects
- Has a login/register page, forums, comments, likes, and a live chat(similar to Youtubelive)
- Forums can be added, deleted, pictures can be added, and has a sorting algorythm reducing user search by 50%
- click here for the code :)
DFA Creator(C++)
May 2018
Creates a DFA at runtime taking user input to create a language desired
- User can test infinite strings that pertain to the language/DFA they created.
- I used this algorythm to help me test my homework! 100% everytime.
- click here for the code :)